Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sitting around...

So, the last couple of times I posted, I included in the title "Road trips", and then proceeded to write nothing about any road trips. I suppose I just assumed everybody would know about the 10 + hour drive from St. Petersburg, Florida, where my parents are staying right now, to Marion North Carolina, where my brother got married. Oops. =) And now I will continue typing this post, without mentioning road trips again. I'm the best blog - ger ever! :D
I've spent more time sitting around on this trip than I think I ever have! I sat around on four different flights on the way over here, I sat around for hours on end in various airports waiting for those flights, I sat around in the car for a two hour drive from Orlando where I flew in to St. Pete, I sat around on the 10 hour drive to Marion, I sat around on the 10 hour drive back from Marion, I sat around on the 2 hour drive back to Orlando, I'm sitting around right now for 12 hours in LAX, and I'll be sitting around some more on my flight back to Taiwan! I'm not complaining, because I actually love sitting around, as long as I'm properly entertained by something like Youtube, a magazine, music, or Strongbad emails. However, once I return home, I figure I'll have to start walking or running or something to even out all this sitting around.
I have made a discovery!! Last week, I was doing some research while pondering what to do with my little self for my 14 hour layover to day in LAX. I have read on many a website review that LAX is one of the worst international airports. I personally have no real complaints about it so far, but I did check a bag on this trip and it is quite heavy, so I didn't want to putter around a large airport full of strangers with a huge heavy suitcase and a really heavy backpack. (why do I collect such heavy things? perhaps things I like are just naturally heavy? I have no other theories on this. ) Anyway, while I was doing my Googling, I found that LAX has a lounge open to the public for a fee, called the reLAX lounge. So upon arriving at the airport this morning, I found the Big Red Monster (as I affectionally dubbed my suitcase), and trucked it over to the lounge. I paid the fee, and I've been sitting here ever since, in the airconditioned, sunlit, clean, quiet, uncrowded reLAX lounge, properly entertaining myself with all the things in the aforementioned paragraph. To me, it's worth the fee, especially since I think I saved money checking my suitcase on the way over here. I figure by the time I go to check in, I'll have been in this one seat (minus the times I got up to get a snack or whatever else), for about 10 hours. Aiyo!
One would think with all this grand time and good internets on my hands, I would upload a few photos. But the hard drive with all the photos is buried in the bottom of the Big Red Monster. So, I'm sorry, but I'm not opening that. Photos will come later.
I've run out of interesting things to post. So, I think I will pursue other entertainment now. Thanks everybody who's been praying for me and this trip, all has gone exceptionally well thus far, as exceptionally well as an itinerary such as mine can go, and I'm honestly looking forward to being back home!
OH! I had real Mexican food last night! My last night in the US! T'was lovely, and made the trip completely complete. I had the largest chimichanga known to mankind. I wish there were chimichangas in this lounge. That would make it more perfect.
Zai jian!! :)

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