Tuesday, June 30, 2009

This is Grace, Danielle and I making pork Dumplings (which are Most Excellent and also fun to make)
Danielle, me, and Francis at..um..I don't know which beach in LA, but it was pretty.

Whoa! It's been a while since I've had a chance to sit down and "blog". :) Well, I made it! All the way to Taichung, Taiwan!! Where should I start? This might be a very long post..heh, heh...let me start with a week ago, Tuesday. Or rather, Wednesday I guess. I got to LA early in the morning, and went to the house was staying at in Irvine (I think), the home of Francis Wang, the leader of ITPS. I think I slept all day on Wednesday, except when we went to eat. I was in LA for about four days, and learned all sorts of useful Things for my new life here in Taiwan. Things like...how to use chopsticks, that you should never give a Chinese person a clock for a gift because it is offensive, and also how easy it is to accidentally say "how are you, horse" instead of just "how are you"? :) Seriously though, it was a really good time of training and discipleship and preparation for coming here. There was only one other team member this year, Danielle who is going to Shanghai in August who is in the pictures.
Well, then on Sunday afternoon Grace and I went to LAX to leave for Taipei! Thank the Lord they only charged me overweight fees on one bag (even though both were over 50 lbs) and there were no problems getting on the plane. The 13 hour flight was waay nicer than I had expected it would be. We flew over the Pacific (I thought we would fly over Alaska!) which I think shortened the flight a little. Very minimal turbulence and an empty middle seat (I had a window) and a friendly interesting Aisle Seat Person made it actually quite a pleasant flight. The food, in flight movie players, foot rests, and very cool reclining seats didn't hurt either. :) We landed in Taipei about 7 pm Taiwan time and got on the bus to Taichung, another two hours but I slept through that trip ( I had a gotten a cold Saturday night so I was fighting to stave off a fever because in Taipei airport they screen all passengers for fever (due to H1N1 virus if you have a fever they quarantine you and it can be up to two weeks) but thank the Lord I didn't have one ( I was running a small one on Sunday morning). But I was pretty fuzzy in the head upon landing so I don't remember much of those fleeting first impressions of Taiwan.
Then I woke up this morning and felt MUCH BETTER! :) We went to see Banner church this morning, where I will be serving with my roomates Amanda and Stephanie and also we went to Jackson5, the school I will be working at. I didn't take any pictures yet but will post some soon.
J5 is a very cute school, and my classroom is pretty big. I met my co-teacher (whose name I have forgotten now along with many other things I vowed to Remember throughout today) and gave Angel, Jackson's wife, my documents for my work visa. I rode on the back of Amanda's scooter and also tried very hard to Remember all the roads and turns to get to the school but totally lost track after about the third turn. Scooter riding is not quite as wild and crazy as I had imagined it might be, but it's still a little hairy especially the big intersections.
Taichung has a population of about a million people (which seems mild compared to Shanghai's population of about 17 million), but it is not as congested as I had anticipated which was nice. It is pretty hot and humid but actually very similar I find to Suriname's weather and although I'm not used to sweating, it was nearly as bad as I had read and heard. AND my hair seems to be reacting quite well to the weather, and didn't give me a Frizz Head like I did in Guatemala and Suriname. :)
I have three roommates, although one is in Canada now until August - Stephanie. But Amanda is here, she works on staff at Banner church and is involved with the English zone ministry there, and Katie Jo who is taking Chinese classes here at DongHai (I think I spelled that right) University. Both teach evening classes at a cram school (an after-school English school). They're both quite friendly and very willing to help me adjust which I am SO THANKFUL for! :) My apartment is very cute, and although a bit smaller than I am used to is just fine and I'm thankful that there is a room for me here. I haven't seen any Nasty Bugs so far, just some gnats. I'll post some pictures soon but for now my room is a complete mess and I have Stuff everywhere.
I'm thankful for all your prayers as well! and if you'd like some specifics to pray for...
- that I would recover from my cold and residual cough
- that the Lord would extra special bless me with great Memory to remember all the Things I need to know to just get around in this new culture
- that I would be able to pick up some basic Chinese quickly
- for the upcoming Biligual Youth Camp that I will be helping with in a couple of weeks. I think I will be responsible for the Drama Workshop so pray that the Lord will give me some good ideas and be able to build relationships with some of the youth that come to this camp, also that they may turn their lives over to the Lord.
Here are three New Things I learned today:
1.) If you leave space between you and someone else in front of you in line, someone will step in there because they think you aren't in line (eg. no personal space) :)
2.) When you are crossing the street, the crosswalk countdown Thing on the opposite side has a little digital image of a Guy walking, and as the seconds count down the Guy walks faster..and faster..and faster..until he's running! That's your cue to book it if you want to cross! (this is SO funny to me)
3.) Chinese really like white skin (like they prefer pale skin to dark skin as opposed to the US where everybody wants to be tan). They find it more beautiful to be white. So I guess I'll fit right in until I get a tan! :)
THANKS SO MUCH for all your prayers! I promise I will post many pictures in upcoming days but this is a time of Great Transition for me so be patient! :)
Until next time!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Adventure #2: The Airport

Okay, well it hasn't been much of an adventure thus far since I've only been in the Anchorage airport for about...ohhhh and hour or so. No problems checking in my Monster Bag after I shuffled stuff around - -- whoa there go some really fast running travellers, hope they make their flight --- anyway, as I was saying, shuffled some stuff around since BOTH my bags weighed in over 50 lbs at the Kenai airport! Augh. But I would like to say, that Grant Aviation made me REALLY happy tonight when the really Nice Pilot Guy took my Monster Bags all the way to the Alaska airlines counter for me. And the guy whose foot I dropped my carryon bag on was very friendly. Lots of friendly people. :)
So now I'm sitting here waiting for my plane to LAX. It's a mixture of feeling really sad and kind of excited and a little worried that I forgot something important (made it past check in so I think I'm ok but you never know!) and a little hungry but too nervous to eat and achy because I've been running around all day and hauling the Monster Bag.
I'm going to stop here because I could probably babble on and on since I'm tired and I have all this time on my hands, but I think I'm going to go find a drink and a Sodoku book (easy level, of course :) More later!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Enter: The Adventures of FLAT Sharon!

Flat Sharon's first adventure is The Packing Adventure. I have discovered one of the most indispensable packing Items ever: Hefty 2.5 gallon Zip Top Bags. As Flat Sharon is demonstrating in the picture here, I have managed to fit my entire wardrobe into these amazing zippy bags and condense all the air out of them! I now have very nice, very flat rolled up clothes all ready to put in my humongous duffel bag. Hoo-rah for me. :)
okay, I just uploaded my second picture and I don't know why the "Blog" keeps sticking my uploaded pictures in funny places so I can't label them properly. I need to figure this out. Anyway, that other picture up there is of me and my other two Amigos, Amy & Lenore who were hired at Kenai DPA at the same time as me. *sniff* gonna miss these guys! They made me Flat Sharon who will appear in many a Blog photo to come. So..those of you who aren't familiar with the "Flat Family" (for example, Flat Stanley), these are Flat paper doll People who get mailed around the world. I think they originated in elementary schools for like, pen pals, but when I heard about Flat Stanley I thought that was the most funny idea ever. There's a much longer story here about how we made Flat supervisor dolls at work and...anyway! I don't feel like typing so much as it would take to tell the story. So as a parting gift from my thoughtful co-workers, I got my very own Flat Sharon to take as a travel companion. :)
I leave in a week! Thanks for all your prayers! :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Last few days in Alaska

So here's some more pictures of some of my last days in Alaska! This first one is me and some of my favorite kiddos on the beach at Captain Cook State Park. Then it's me and a Walliball buddy sporting our super cool Ponchos; and again on Skilak loop trail.

So I spent the entirety of today packing and re-packing and thinking and moving stuff around and PACKING some MORE. *whew* and then I ate some ice-cream. Packing is the pits!
I leave a week from tomorrow! More later! :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Ok, well so I'm not really that much closer to being in Taiwan , but I started thinking how sad and lonely my Blog looked since I am not Blog-savvy and hadn't added any pictures yet. So I found some. One that I just took of the hiking trip I just went on (the reason my back is grumpy with me right now), but also one to show my great short haircut. And this trout. This is my first lake trout! I ate him, but he had a lot of pokey bones.

I've been having a world of trouble getting my Facebook to upload photos, so I guess I'll just start posting 'em here instead. Whoa. The "Blog" stuck my second downloaded picture up there with the first. I'm suspicious. Anyway, that one on the top is me and my Awesome Poncho (affectionately dubbed "The Smurf") at the top of...um...some mountain above Skilak Lake. In the pouring rain. And the wind was incredibly strong. I think probably if I flapped my arms I would have flown. Maybe a little bit. Like a chicken, maybe. oooo chicken...

Oh boy, I'm tired. I don't think I'll upload any more pictures. Good bye, world...parting is such sweet sorrow...

Oh man. Ok, i'm going to sleep for real.