Sunday, June 20, 2010

Problems with Cell phones, Mold and Mildew, and Shower heads

I seem to have a problem with cell phones. I lost my cell phone after going to Jimmy's KTV (Karoke) party last weekend (I think it fell out of my pocket in the KTV room), and so now I'm using Jimmy's old cell phone as he now has a new iPhone he got for his birthday. It's a skinny, slipper little thing that's always jumping out of my hand.
So the other night I was sitting on my bed with my laptop and the phone RIGHT beside me. I KNEW it was there. I was checking my receipts against the winning numbers of the Taiwan receipt lottery (if you Google Taiwan Receipt Lottery, the first link should be for the article about what it is along with the winning numbers. It's basically a way to keep businesses legal. All reciepts have numbers and ever two months they post winning numbers, you can win small amounts or very large amounts of cash. I haven't won anything yet, but I still diligenlty save my receipts and check every two months.) Well I had a mountain of receipts for the last two months that I was piling on my bed as I checked them. Then, when I had sadly confirmed that I hadn't won anything (again), I scooped them all up and dumped them in my trash can.
Later, I couldn't find my cell phone. I looked high and low, stripped my bed, I KNEW it had been there. I couldn't believe I'd lost a phone again.
So I went to the living room where my roomate Stephanie was watching Tv and asked her to please call my phone, so she did, and it rang - - from my purse! I was like how the..what the...HOW IS IT IN MY PURSE! I KNEW it had been on my bed! I thought I was going NUTS. I tore apart my purse and couldn't find it! I seriously thought I was going crazy or just really really tired.
Well, when I come in my room, I have a plastic stool right inside the door that I put my purse on. And under the stool, guess what - - the trash can.
So you guess where the phone was.
That's right, in the trash can, along with the huge pile of receipts I'd scooped up earlier that night.
Stephanie says "I'll keep this one between you and I" and walked away chuckling.
*palm to forehead* how Stupid am I!!!!

So I went to clean the bathroom yesterday. The new team of (mostly) girls is coming in a little over a week and will be staying here for a few days, so I thought I would make the bathroom really clean. Well, I bought some Mr. White and some gloves for the job. Mr. White is the local can of "anything" foamy cleaner that is very strong and noxious and totally terrible for your skin and lungs, but works magic.
I sprayed the tub and shower walls with Mr. White, left the bathroom to put on a face mask, and returned to scrub away. I scrubbed away the most mold and mildew I'd ever seen. When I sprayed it with the showr head after scrubbing it was like a wall of black. But it was lurking in the gray "stuff" between the tiles, so it was hard to see until I cleaned it. So nasty. I couldn't believe this is where I'd been coming to get "clean". Ew.
So I was all proud that I'd finished that noxious job, then I was so proud too that I'd bought this cool rotating massager jets thing showr head for only 39 NT on sale! (a little over a dollar). But it doesn't fit on our hose. PHOOEY! So now I have a showr had hanging out in my room irritating me when I look at it because I can't use it.
This post is rather boring, you can see my days of late haven't been too exciting. School ends soon and July should come with lots of fun things, new people, wisdom teeth removal, trips, and pictures. Stay posted.

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