Tuesday, August 3, 2010

of Dolphins...and...surprises...and...stress...

Hallo Blog Followers.

As I write this I'm pondering a strange situation that I hadn't thought about. I requested a year 1 class this year at JacksonFive for several reasons: 1.) They're incredibly cute and small and I loved the projects and the cute little basic English things they get taught in this year and I liked the idea of being their first English teacher ever (actually I suppose that was two reasons..anyway.) 2.) As I taught the Bumblebees last year (year 2) I wished many, many times that I had known exactly what they learned and went through the year before so I could plan better. I never got to confer with the year 1 Bumblebee teacher because he went to Hong Kong before I got here last year.

Well, today was my second day with my year 1 class, the Dolphins, and I've got a problem (a rather good problem, I suppose, but it means a lot of time for me..)

They are in a year 1 class, but all but two of them know all the things they're supposed to learn this month and many things they're supposed to learn in year 2. Over half the class has already had 2-3 years of ESL classes or kindergarten and I have three students who can effectivly use the word "ceremony" and "graduation" and many, many other words they're not supposed to know yet. They're not supposed to know ANY English words yet except maybe "hello" and "goodbye"!! There are 11 students in this class.


I am not any of their first English teacher, they all have previous ESL training. So my simple lesson plans that I modeled after all the other first year classes are far too simple for these kids, and they are starting to complain that they already know their alphabet so why are we spending a whole class period learning one letter (as per the JacksonFive curriculum). After yesterday's class I had a parent ask the same question.

So I have to amp it up and come up with harder worksheets, more challening lessons, and way more material. And I spent sooo much time this July at home planning these lessons and I can't even use them anymore!

I'm so stressed out and on top of that, my Bumblebees decided to have drama and disrespect and behaviour issues (they are undergoing a lot of transitions this year in Chinese school: going from year 2 to year 3 in Chinese school is a HUGE transition and takes a lot of time for most students to adjust to the enourmous difference in classwork and homework). And they are growing up so they have that attitude thing. *sigh*

But, the Dolphins are reeeallly cute, and we played some games and did a song and stuff and they thought that was really a lot of fun. They like to do activee wiggly things even if they already know the stuff the active wiggly things are supposed to be teaching them. So.... yeah! I'm pretty sure with the right planning I can really take advantage of this and Dolphins can be one of the top classes at JacksonFive, like...ever. But with Bumblebee class too.... planning is very stressful for me right now.


Here's a photo of my cat, Samson. He's fuzzy. I like him.

He's my buddy.
So, that's been my two days so far. ONLY TWO DAYS!! AUUGGHHH... how will I ever make it through this year?!
Realizing you're way underprepared for something is not a great feeling. Jai yo, me... (Go, go, me..)
Guess I'd better get to work.


  1. Oh dear, I'll pray even more for you!
    Your kitty is TOO CUTE! Mom

  2. What a cute cute kitty. :) I'm sorry about all your hard work gone down the drain. Make sure you keep eating and sleeping enough. You know. . . you used to always say that your parents worried too much about you eating and now I do it. Sorry. It's not like you have a problem or anything- I just want you to stay healthy. ;) praying for you.
