Thursday, July 1, 2010


Although, I should be careful about just how excited I am to have a one-month vacation because I've had three people ask me already, "Was your job that bad?" really, I love working at JacksonFive and I absolutely love my Bumblebees, but after a year full of kids, kids, kids day after day, hours after hours, it's really really nice to have this BREAK!!
Yesterday was my last day of classes for the year, and even though I knew I was coming back, it was still a weird kind of a feeling. The kind of weird "everything's changing" feeling that I get when I move somewhere or change jobs or something. We just did a fun day, made some gifts for each other and teachers in class, and went to the park (it was soooo sooo HOT but the kids still had fun) to play, and then I cleaned up my desk, loaded up my prep stuff and books and binders to take home to get ready for classes in August, and drove away not to return for a month! yay meee....
*whew* I feel sooo tired and I haven't even done anything, really. The new ITPS team got here late late late Tuesday night and they also looked soo tired... Having the new teachers be here is fun because they can all share their adventures with us and they have this fresh outlook on Taiwan and we get to share our experience with them and stuff, and it makes me think over my last year here and how much I've learned.
Wow, I've come a long way! I took the new JacksonFive teacher I'll be working with, Autumn, out for a test scooter drive today and taught her how to "work" a scooter and she did great. It reminded me of when I learned to drive and how excited I was to get a scooter and be all independent. :) So many people were so helpful to me when I moved here and answerd all my questions and took time out to take me places and show me stuff, and I'd like to be that blessing to the new team too.
But, it's Taiwan summer-time which brings lots of heat and humidity, and being in go-go-go mode all the time is making me soo tired. They just went to the church for a dinner that I opted out of so I could get a little time to be just "me" and also to hang out with Jimmy later. I've been so busy and so has he, and we've not really gotten to spend much time to gether these past couple of weeks. I feel bad for him, since now that his finals are over and he has a little bit less stress, now I'm all caught up in the "new ITPS team" whirlwind of activity so we still don't have a lot of time to hang out together. :(
So my roomate Stephanie will move to California for school on the 14th of this month and then I will move into her room and also take over her scooter. It's sad to say goodbye to her as we've lived and worked together for a year (she also taught at JacksonFive), but happy for her. So two new ITPS girls will live with me and Amanda in a few weeks. Change is good, change is fun, but it also makes me realize how fast time is going. I can't believe it's already been a year.
I told my friends today that I de-activated my Facebook account over a month ago. Most of them hadn't even realized! So I guess my Facebook page wasn't that important after all. :) Sometimes I miss being on Facebook 'cause I can't "check up" on peoples lives, but really if they're my real friends I should email or call them to see what's up or if they're here I should be hanging out with them face to face. I don't know if I'll reactivate or not, but right now life goes on just fine without Facebook. It motivates me to blog more often so people can keep up with me, instead of assuming they'll keep up on my Facebook one-liner statuses.
Yah, so that's it for me lately. I'm hoping to get my wisdom teeth, at least a couple of 'em, pulled next week while everybody's at camp (I'll go to the next camp in three weeks), and maybe a couple of day trips with Jimmy if we can. Whew. I'm acually quite exhausted. I may have to take a nap now.
Jin tian, hen re! (Today, very hot!) Zai jian!

1 comment:

  1. I noticed you blog a lot more now that you aren't on facebook. Too bad the rest of us don't, huh? Micah went to his first 'big movie' today, Amy also although I'm not sure she enjoyed the experience as much as he did. He kept hanging his mouth open and shouting things like, "There's Buzz!!!" and "Dad! Dad! Look, Totoro! Like on my movie!"
