Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy 100th!

100th? Who do I know who's turning 100? heh, heh. Figure that one out.
In any case, in honor of this 100th birthday, I have today off of classes and work, and thus I have a bit of spare time to blog. Aren't you lucky!?
In case you were wondering whether or not I have fallen off the edge of the earth, I haven't. I'm right here, busier than ever. My Chinese classses are plugging along, and I'm enjoying them immensly. It's always fun to discover that you've been pronouncing basic words incorrectly for two years. :) We are just now starting to memorize characters, which is the part I was both looking forward to the most and dreading because it means everything will be harder. I know a total of about ten Chinese characters, and the memorization of characters to me is the hardest part of learning the language. *sigh*
In addition, one of the full-time JacksonFive teachers with two afternoon classes took ill a few weeks ago with a kidney problem. She was laid up in the hospital until last week when they sent her home and ordered her on bed rest for another two weeks. This left me to sub her classes, however, after a week of teaching both her full-time afternoon classes as well as attending my own Chinese classes in the morning, as well as tutoring twice a week, trying to still see my friends, and staying up really late to finish my homeworks, I was so exhausted I broke down and Jackson offered to help out with taking one of the afternoon classes, leaving me only to sub one. That helped a lot. But I'm very ready for Karen to be all better and come back to work. :) I also started teaching my own little night class last week, the Whales. There are only six students thus far, and they are all very peaceful, sweet little things, which makes them a fun, easy class to teach. I hope they stay that way.
Since last blogging, I've attended two weddings, one of which I was part of. The first was my Taiwanese co-teacher from last year, Jamie's, wedding. She is now Aaron's co-teacher since he took over teaching my Dolphin class, so we both were invited to her wedding, which was very traditional and a highly interesting cultural experience for me. I will get my hands on some photos and post another blog at some point with more interesting tidbits about traditional weddings in Taiwan.
The other wedding was a couple of days ago, and my good friend Annie married her husband Michael, an American. It was a really cute wedding, I was a bridesmaid, and about all I remember of the ceremony was trying really hard to not fall over on my beautiful, sparkly, four inch heels.
Also, photos later. Sorry. I am not in a photo uploading mood right now.
Hm. I took a pause to wonder if Hot Burger, my favorite hamburger joint up the road, is open because of the 100th birthday holiday. Hm. I kind of want a hamburger.
Well, I can't think of anyhthing really interesting to add to this post. Mostly just to inform you of why I haven't done a very good job of bloggering lately. I hope all is well with you, and I will be back soon. :)
Zai jian!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see that you are bloggering again. Perhaps ponder your readers, who, when faced with your absence, must read from people who only have the skill or talent to blog. Your time in Alaska gave you great strength. Use it.
