Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I'm back!

First of all, my apologize for slacking off in the blogging department! By the time I remember I even have a blog, I'm too tired to sit down and type about stuff that happened in recent weeks, and by the time I finally do get around to it (, I forgot half the stuff that happened. oops.
But I'll do my very best. Let's see.. well, as you all are well aware, last week (no..week before last? no. last week. ? ) was Thanksgiving, thus we appropriately had a Thanksgiving gathering (gathering = 32 people in our modestly sized apartment) the Sunday before Thanksgiving. One of the guys in our cell group picked up a turkey, complete with the head and neck
(side note * I may agree with the Asians on this one - the turkey looks more complete with the head and neck even after it's cooked. I always secretly thought the headless, neckless, tidy little turkeys and chickens in the States were kind of...sadly unwhole. This turkey was like "look I'm proud to be a whole turkey even though I'm cooked". Anyway, there I gave you a sneak peek into Sharon's logical little world... )
And we managed to whip up (no pun intended) some mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry yummy stuff, and other appropriate Thanksgiving fare, such as black peppered soybeans, steamed water chestnuts, red bean ... um..deserty stuff, cream puffs, dumpings, and ... sweet potatoes.
?HAHAHAHA Samson was standing on my Bible just now and he slid off and scared himself. That was funny. He looks rather miffed.
Dumplings. Not dumpings. I re-read my last paragraph. Oops.
anyway, if you follow this blog, you may recall that a few months ago I attempted to have my wisdom teeth removed in clinic with a local anaesthetic and it didn't work out so well. I have kind of put it off since then, and lost contact with that dentist (who I'm quite certain never wants to see me again), and so was wondering how I was to go about getting my wisdom teeth removed. I finally brought it up as a prayer request in cell group, and one of the girls in my prayer group was like, "Oh, my boyfriend's a dentist. Why don't you talk to him?" It turned out he was also in cell group that day. He helped me with an appointment at his hospital and they scheduled a surgery for me. In two days. This Saturday. Augh. While I am very grateful to the Lord for working all this out for me, and I learned a good lesson that I should just pray first about my problems instead of worrying about them and save myself all that mind trouble, I'm not very excited about this Saturday.
I have been googling "wisdom teeth surgery" which, by the way, is a terrible way to ease your nerves before a surgery. Yikes.
But! at least it will be over and done with and I never have to think about it again, and when I wake up in the mornings, my teeth won't hurt anymore!
So, enough about that. I took some pictures of my kids, but I'm too tired to upload anything. I can't think of anything else interesting to say. I really do have a great, fun, interesting life full of little adventures every day, but I can never remember them when it's time to blog. My apologies! Oh, yes I do remember one little adventure:
So local Taiwan elections were last Saturday, and for about a month prior to the election day, the campaigners were very very active. By active, I mean driving around in little loud blue trucks blaring campaign advertisements and little tunes that are supposed to make you want to vote for whoever. I don't understand this. Being catapaulted into consciousness at 8:00 in the morning when I was enjoying a nice deep sleep with a good dream does not make me friendly towards anybody. They drive by everything everywhere all times of day, making it hard to teach at times and if you get stuck behind them on the road, they are quite slow. Anyway, the few days right before election day were very lively. The blue trucks increased in number on the roads, and in addition to the normal little loud blue trucks, there were large open blue trucks with people in the back, bonging away on drums, and launching rockets into the sky (like bottle rockets with whistles, and the occiasional person hopping out of the truck to ignite a small string of firecrackers in the middle of the road. And people, walking without a care in the world for the scooters and cars trying to sqeeze past them (and around them, through them, hopefully not on them), in parade fashing in appropriately coloring shirts or vests and carrying flags. I actually had a thought whilst I was stuck in the midst of one such parade (complete with many small loud blue trucks, large open drum-bonging trucks, scooters laden with firecrackers, police escort, and marching people without a care for traffic), that it felt a lot like being in downtown Parimaribo on New Year's Eve day. I recall waiting at a 92 second red light (there are countdowns at the lights so you know exactly how much time you spend at red lights every day), breathing in the scent of "recently exploded firecrackers", and imagining myself thousands of miles away in Suriname. It was a nice 92 seconds, (probably not for my lungs though).
Ok, I'm really really quite tired so with this I will leave you. Hopefully my next post will be full of great adventures and a succesful wisdom tooth removal story.

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