Thursday, July 5, 2012
Hello from Cape Cod!
I'm finally here! This won't be a very long post, but just a quick update that after 30 hours of frustrating, tiring, nauseating travel, and thousands of miles later, Aaron and I finally made it to his hometown of Barnstable on Cape Cod, Massachusetts! This is now the beginning of my third full day here, and I can without a doubt say that my first impressions of Aaron's home and the Cape are that they are ADORABLE! The little surrounding towns and villages on the Cape are so super cute and charming and quaint and adorable and all those other adjectives that make you want to squish someone's cheeks and speak nonsensical cutesty baby talk at them. It's also a very refreshing change to be in the US again for a while, although the people here are in general more grumpy and far less friendly and outgoing than the average Taiwanese stranger, the air is astonishingly cleaner, the trees are far more plentiful, the scenery is by far more beautiful, and it's just nice. We've been keeping pretty busy with seeing all of Aaron's fun friends and going out and doing all kinds of things of which I have posted photos already on Facebook but for some reason it didn't post the album to my Wall? So you have to go on my profile and click "photos" and then find the latest album titled Cape Cod part 1. Ok, we're off to do more things so I will post more another time. :)
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This all sounds great! Then what happened?