Monday, November 14, 2011

I just want a boiled Egg?

I learned an important lesson this week: Don't judge Taiwan based on its egg packaging. Now, there are many, many things I believe Taiwan does far better than other places I have lived in. To name a few: tea (tea in general and everything to do with tea is done the best here); the high convienience and numerous locations of 7-11's; nobody cares if you take Coldstone ice cream into the movie theaters (the days of hiding huge Popcorn Factory bags under coats and claiming pregnancy are no more!); etc. Taiwanese culture is efficient, convinient, hard-working, and smart. However, whilst they focused their efforts on things like Acer and HTC, and tea, they apparently forgot how to package eggs properly.

This is a normal, quiet, unassuming package of eggs that I bought at the 7-11. All the eggs look like this. They come in packs of ten and cost roughly the equivalent of $1 US.

Upon first inspection, as one is typically focused on checking whether or not the eggs are cracked prior to purchase, it is very easy to overlook the fact that they are encased in a nearly impenatrable shell of Plastic. With a capital P.

Here are the same eggs, opened. Allow me to further demonstrate the trouble with this sort of packaging. Let's take a closer look, shall we?

Closer inspection of an unopened pack of eggs reveals a tightly sealed rim around the perimeter of the package. The seal is made sturdy with some sort of industrial strength Egg Package Glue and in case that wasn't enough to keep it closed for eternity, there is a healthy supply of staples along the rim as well.

After several minutes of strategizing, one finally attempts to crack the Mother of All Seals on this egg package. What little excitment is gained by the initial entry into the package is quickly exchanged for a gasp of dismay over the crack of breaking Plastic as the corner of the package collapses onto itself causing there to be a broken fractured hole into one side of the package, leaving the rest tightly sealed shut.

Filled with grim determination, one begins a second attempt, filled with much grunting and gnashing of the teeth, finally met with success as the Plastic pops up all around the rim of the eggs! Wiping my forehead in relief, I survey the damage. Are these ten eggs really so precious they must encase them in such armor? Was my desire for a boiled egg worth the scratches on my fingers? How am I going to keep this container closed in my fridge when it's so mangled around the edges?

Thanks, Taiwan, for Acer, HTC, Asus, and outstanding tea. But you can have your eggs.



  1. hello I am johnny form ukraine I think that i love ure blog the so much. you to are soo funny and really a great beautiful hilarity for the blog great blog nice job i will kep reading always reacing. love ffom ukrane

    peace and love

  2. I also think you are a beautiful hilarity! I should send you an egg carton for Christmas. . . then you could store your eggs after you open the package.
