Here I am, five minutes later in the Bumblebee classroom for my last day with them. This card is from Ernie, but upon seeing it uploaded upside-down and I have no idea how to rotate it in Blogger, I think I won't upload the other cards. It says something to the effect of "you are a pretty and gently teacher. I hope you can everyday was happy." aw. Ernie also gave me my favorite chocolates. Ernie is awesome.

Our last day in Bumblebee class was book choosing day, where they went in turns to pick books from the ones they read during our reading program this year to keep and take home.

I let them doodle all over the whiteboard. For once. They're actually never allowed to do this.

But I'm glad I let them.

We're cute.
We're still cute!

And still cuter!
Goodbye, Bumblebees! Thanks for a great two years! :)
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