Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Well hello. I'm back! I've successfully gotten four of my wisdom teeth removed, and it was a million thousand katrillion times better than the first attempt. For starters, the teeth actually got removed this time. :)
The hospital was ok, and I had some wonderful friends who gave up time from their busy lives to come visit. I don't remember a thing about the surgery. I woke up back in my hospital room, tried valiently to stay awake like they told me to, ate some pudding, and came home. It's a huge relief to have that all over with.
I could say more about the rather painful IV starting experience, or the funniness of the oral surgery interns who were assigned to my care because they spoke English, and how they always appeared in groups of three to do Very Important Things like measure how big my mouth is and things like that, but... I won't go into detail. I rate the whole experience a 8 out of 10. 2 points off for the IV experience.
I'm now admiring my beautiful bruised jaw. I don't think I've ever had a large bruise on my jaw. Better add that to my list of firsts. Haha. You think I'm kidding?
Well, while I'm writing about small goings-ons in my life, I got a package today (thanks MOM!) which always makes people go ooo ahhh (getting packages is a very VERY VERY rare experience for fact, this is only my.. um.. second? package since I've been in Taiwan. No, third? and package #'s 1 and 2 were things I ordered from Amazon or somewhere). So I have a happy.
So, most of you know it's almost my Birthday. Every year, 'round my Birthday, I start having these things I like to call, Thinkings. Usually the Thinkings result in a nice detailed list of things I need to do in the coming year to Improve My Life. Things like, routine exercise, eat lots of vegetables, memorize passages of Scripture, Get up early, and things like this. Good Things. Yes. And then I am very Good for about a month, post-Birthday. So by the time most people are starting to work on their Lists (or as most people call them, new year's resolutions), I am failing mine. *sigh*
Well, so this year, my Thinkings went sort of like this: I started Thinking the other day, that there are so many things I used to love doing, hobbies or activities, that I don't do at all anymore. Really, since moving to Alaska over six years ago. I got busy with Real Life, like having a job and teaching Sunday School, and volunteering and stuff, that I lost track of all the little things I enjoy doing. Things like, taking pictures. Like, I still take photos of my friends or whatever, but nothing I used to do in highschool, or even college. I used to really be into photography, but somewhere along the way I just stopped taking so many pictures. Along with that, I used to really love scrapbooking. Saving memories in a creative way was so much fun for me. I haven't touched a scrapbook in years. I'm doing well just to upload the few photos I do take onto Facebook. Also, sports or outdoor activities like hiking, or playing soccer or volleyball. Those things are harder because you kind of have to find someone else to do them with, but even in Alaska, I played "Wallyball" with my co-workers once a week and I really looked forward to Wallyball night. In highschool I'd go running with friends, in college I played on the girl's basketball team for a year, intermural soccer and volleyball, and I loved it. And now, I'm doing really really well to jog for like ten minutes down my street. It's very sad to me.
And COOKING! I love cooking. and baking. I did some in Alaska, but not as much as Id've liked. And reading. I used to read and read and read all the time, all throughout highschool and college. all kinds of books, novels, trilogies.. Somewhere along the way after that, I just stopped.
And I was thinking about how sad I was that I didn't do these things anymore, because I want to. I tell myself I don't have any time, but really, people make time for things that are important to them. This is the truth.
So, this year, in addition to all the normal things I need to do to Improve my Life, I am going to make a big effort to bring back some of the joys that these hobbies used to bring me. Starting with this, I'm going to invest in a new camera and this time, I'm actually going to use it. You can keep me accountable! Ask me where all my pictures are. :)
This last year was kind of a blur for me, and I think I spent most of the year trying just to keep up with myself. I think I've finally settled here and become comfortable with the area, the people, and myself in this culture. and I have big plans for next year and I'm really, REALLY excited about them. Instead of working for Jackson 5, next year I plan to take Chinese classes at a local university. I'll be applying for school in the spring, along with a scholarship that will allow me to study full-time without having to work. Even if I don't get the scholarship, I can make it working part-time, if I'm diligent about saving now.
I had a whole bunch of really insightful, wonderful, deep things to say here, but I got really tired all of a sudden and I think I just lost one of my stitches. Aahh!
Anyway, fellow bloggers, please help me to pray for my Chinese study plan for next year. I feel this is the direction the Lord is leading me, so I'm gonna go for it. I'm also just very recently starting to become more involved with my cell group here, and next year will also be attending more of the Banner discipleship training classes, so I'm expecting next year to be one of tremendous spiritual growth, change, and happiness.
OH and also, over the next couple of weeks I will be strongly presenting the Gospel in my younger class, so.. that's a prayer point too. I'm hoping most of them understand enough to commit their lives to Christ, even at such a young age. Help me pray for that too, ok?
THANKS! I'm going to bed. No. first i'm going to check out this stitches situation. Ok. Later! :)

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