Well, I think it's high time I posted some photos of the happenings around here. Blogger confuses me with its photo placement when I upload, so I scoot them around but I apologize in advance if this post is still hard to follow. :) At least I posted, right?

This was taken a few weeks ago at Stephanie's "goodbye" part which was cleverly disguised as an '80's party. Steph left this week, sadness and sorrow for us, but she's going to a Bible school in Redding, CA for a year and I'm sure she'll have a great time. I got to move into her bedroom which is HUGE mongolous and has a king-sized bed and two closets and... way more room than I need but I'm also pretty stoked about having all the space. I'm sad Steph had to leave for me to get it, but..that's the way it goes, I s'pose.
Check out my groovy shirt "Mullets Rule".

This is me also at the "80's party" with one of my students who showed up kind of on accident. Her name's Cherry.

Ok! Here I am at Sun Moon Lake. We went on an ITPS team trip this past Wednesday. In retrospect, I should've removed my groovy shades for this self-portrait, but oh well. I like this particular lake's shade of blue.

Here's a picture of the lake from our hotel window. We scored these amazing rooms overlooking the lake for 800NT for the night which included dinner and breakfast (that's about 26 USD) Pretty cool....

Here we are on a dock somewhere on the lake makin' faces. Faces make a photo just that much better. :)
Left to right: Josephine, Amy, Marvin, Me, Autumn, Beth, David, Mandy, Vicki, Jacob, and BoBo.

Here we are again, in the same place, but Not Making Faces. Same order as above. Wheee...

This was taken on a dock outside our hotel that evening. The lighted things behind us are a band of big glowing insects rockin' out. This is a "pose" photo. Aren't we great posers...
Left to right: Iris, Mandy, BoBo, Vicki, Autumn, Amy, Beth, and Me.

We visited an Assam Tea Farm the next day. All my other photos at this place turnd out really dark, but here's another group photo.

....and these are my awesome dumplings from a couple of weeks ago. I want to see how many people read this blog and then become hungry when they see this picture.
Yes, so that's it for photos for now. I will be going to the Banner youth camp this week. After some roundabout communication with my dentist, I now understand they won't have a surgery room available until August for me (AAUUGUGGHH) which means I will have to do the four teeth out surgery on a weekend and hope I'm sufficiently recovered for class on Monday. My August schedule is kind of crazy with my new class, so please pray for me! I'm a little worried about it.
Umm..... I can't think of anything else particularly interesting to blog about. Two more weeks of vacation! Yay me.... :)
I probly won't update my blog for at least a week because I'll be at camp. Zai jian!
Nice photos..
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Malaysia..
Have a nice day...
I love you, but I hate cutest blog on the block. . . can you take it off and use one of blogger's things or not have a cute blog? It usually take forever to load with dsl (and remember, some of your readers have dial-up) and now your picture from it not even available. I had to highlight your post to read it. : P Nice when all you get is complaints, huh? I'm sorry about your tooth appointment. I guess if I am going to talk this much, I should e-mail you, huh?