I only took a few pictures on Saturday, but here they are. This is me with a funky Indian statue outside a little Indian shop we went to on art street.
A store sign I also deemed picture-worthy on art street. If this rings true, I guess I'm in trouble. :)
Jimmy and one of the cats in the Orange Cat restaraunt (see below). Obviously, the restaraunt wasn't named for this particular feline.
Well, my weekend was pretty good. I went exploring around town on scooter with my friend Jimmy. We ate lunch at a little Mexican restaraunt across town (surprise to me because I was under the impression there were no Mexican restaraunts in Taiwan)(well, I guess there is a Taco Bell in Taipei). Then we went to a movie and walked around a mall. Then we went to this street he called "international street" or "art street" because it had little shops from different countries like India. It was a really cute area. We stopped in this little restaraunt called the "Orange Cat" that was well known for having a bunch of cats roaming around the restaraunt that you could pet or play with. It was kind of strange and probably highly unsanitary, but since I haven't had a pet in so long it was nice to play with a bunch of large fat friendly fuzzy cats. Then we went to a night market where we got sweet potatoe fries and jie pye and then we hung out at a tea shop and then to another mall and a stationary store where we read all the greeting cards then back home to hang out. I've been so busy with work and starting to learn Chinese and all the general figuring out all the new stuff that it was nice to just have a whole day to explore and have someone fun who knows Taichung take me to fun places and just get to talk.
Sunday was pretty standard as Sundays around here go - church in the morning, out to lunch with friends, clean up around the house, to the English service, then after the night English service our cell group meets. It was a great weekend.
And then today came. Monday...aghhh..the great weekend Killer... and my very first class period is the one Jackson decided to sit in on for "observation" for the first time in my class. It was really crummy. I haven't heard my feedback yet but I was acutely aware the entire time that my boss was sitting in the back making notes on all the things I could be doing better. We're supposed to have our "meeting" about that tomorrow, so we'll see. Also I didn't feel very good today in the first place and this morning I was so nervous about Jackson visiting my class that I didn't eat anything until tonight.
On a brighter note, though, my friend Jimmy had gotten in a scooter accident last week (doesn't sound like a brighter note yet, does it?) and his scooter was all banged up and he thought it wasn't going to be fixed for another week and it would cost him around $10,000 NT (about $300USD) so he was really bummered out about that and also his work schedule that was getting overloaded and he was afraid to talk to his boss about it, but tonight the Scooter People told him his scooter was fixed and it would only cost him $500 NT (about $15 USD) and his boss approached him to tell him they were combining two of his classes and his hours would be less after all. This was so cool because he was hanging out with my roomates and I tonight talking about it and it turned out we had each of us prayed at different times throughout today for those specific things to be worked out for him and bang! it happened! It's really encouraging to see God answer prayer so quickly and in such an obvious way. So even though Monday started crummy, it ended on a happy note.
I have a really long day tomorrow, so I'd better get to bed. Wan an!
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