You've no idea what I have to dooo....
-Veggie Tales
I am ever so tempted to leave my blog at that. However, being the kind-hearted soul that I am, I will explain a bit.
My co-worker Karen is back in recovery, having had a kidney removed in a 7-hour long surgery three weeks ago. She's doing remarkably well, all things considered, and is recovering at home. I've been teaching both her afternoon classes, a very full load, on top of my own evening class and tutoring. My Chinese classes at the university began this week in the mornings, and so my lazy, peaceful, and quiet days at home suddenly shifted into non-stop activity.
I'm thankful that I'm able to help Karen out so she can recover in peace, and also thankful for the extra income and some time with the cute students. But I'm kind of exhausted and a little worried my Chinese studies are going to suffer for a few weeks while I'm yet subbing for an indeterminate amount of time. Thus, I haven't blogged in a long time and probably won't again for a long time.
Ooh, in another more interesting report, prior to all the busyness, I stuck very well to a new budget plan which included cooking at home all the time, and I made some pretty tasty cococtions if I do say so myself. I, being very Taiwanified at this point, took photos of all of the foods for future blogging fun-ness. They will be uploaded at some undetermined point in the future.
I'm all the done with the up dating now. Bye bye!