I'm sorry. I'm so bad at blogging.
It's late at night now, but I have been having so many thoughts in my little head, so I thought I would type a *hopefully* quick update.
Most of you are also on my Facebook, so you remember I posted about my student Mason last week. Mason hit his head on the concrete of the playground and had internal bleeding to his brain, and was in NICU for a few days, and in hospital for another week after that. He came home today, and will be in class again on Thursday. So praise the Lord for healing Mason. I hope Mason's family comes to know Christ through this testimony. Thanks for praying with me for him.
Also, it seems we are in a new year since last I posted! oh I really am quite behind. My schedule at Jackson Five leaves me so tired and also I am a social creature and rather like to spend time with friends instead of bloggering on the Internet. Sorry.
Well, in a shorter version of what's happened since last I posted:
-Christmas came and went, all went well, gave lots of gifts out and got great gifts back and had fun times with all friends.
-New Year's came and went, had a party at our house, did the countdown on the roof, saw fireworks displays, and missed Suriname!
-Thus far in the new Year, two of my friends (well, four I suppose..) started relationships with each other, and two other friends have been in car crashes. And it's only the 17th. Makes me wonder what the rest of the year has in store..
-Our Chinese new Year's plan (5 friends +me) is to take a trip down the East cost of Taiwan by train. I'll post photos on Facebook. Chinese New year this year I get -1/29 - 02/06 off work.
-Next year's school schedule is officially very, very part time - one evening class on Monday's/Thursdays at JacksonFive. This is enough income for me to pay for basic, basic expenses, and hopfuly I'll be a full time student on scholarship at Feng chia university language Center. I'm really actually quite excited to be a full time student again.
-I had an encounter with someone today that challenged me to study Scripture to be prepared to defend my faith to anybody. I may meet with them again on Saturday. Without going into detail, pray about this meeting, if it happens. I know that's vague, but I do appreciate your prayers.
- Our cell group is undergoing some changes in leadership soon. Pray about this, if you can.
- I recently have felt like I want to research and become knowledgable on so many subjects. I also have all these projects I want to start. But I don't have any time! *sniffle* I've had trouble sleeping for all the Thoughts in my head. It's kind of annoying. I feel like I need to have a File Day in my brain and file all my thoughts, but I never have any time.
I'm tired, I will try to go to sleep now. I feel like this was a serious and rather depressing post somehow because I did'nt make any jokes. Ok, so I'll end with a joke:
How do you stop an elephant from charging?
You take away his credit card!!!
oh yah. See! I'm still funny. :)
Thanks for your prayer support. I need it!