This Korean song called the "Sorry Sorry Song" is very popular here lately especially with the kids. So on this worksheet, this kid apparently can sing it (hard to do since it's in Korean)

this one is my favorite. Look at his "panic drops" coming from his head that he cannot swim. oh no! I'm drowning!
Jimmy and I at the science museum.
Whew! I haven't posted on my blog in a REALLY long time! Sorry all you followers, I've been caught up in the "Taiwanese busy-ness"! People here in Taiwan are always so busy, and I think it's rubbed off on me. I have ten free minutes now to blog so blog I shall!
Over the last couple of months, so many adventures! Living in Taiwan is such a happy place for me and I'm so glad God sent me here, for many many reasons.
I've become pretty comfortable and confident at JacksonFive and am loving my students. They're still a challenge at times when they won't listen or obey, but overall they're fun loving and joyful and so so cute. We've been practicing for our Christmas program in a few weeks and our songs are "Jolly Old St. Nicholas" and "Happy Birthday, Jesus!" HAHA I know, opposites! I was supposed to choose a happy upbeat sort of song on my kids's language level, and then a slower more meaningful song, and this is what I came up with. Anyway, I have four kids speaking in between songs to make a nice transition. "presents are nice!" "but what is Christmas REALLY all about?" "I know! It's Jesus's birthday!" "Let's tell Jesus Happy Birthday!" etc. So cute.
Most of you followers know by now that my previously referred to "friend Jimmy" in other blog posts is now my "boyfriend Jimmy". He is Taiwanese and being in a cross cultural dating relationship has definitely been teaching me another level of Taiwanese culture! It's a new learning experience, but a good one. I wish I had time to write more but I have to rush off to take a shower before work. So I will post a few recent pictures, and then off I will go! Tonight we're decorating our apartment for Christmas, so I'm kind of excited about that. Christmas is absoluately my favorite time of year, and this is my first Christmas in Taiwan (although I DO have to work on Christmas Day (sad!) but I knew about that before I came so I've been ready to deal with it), but I expect it will be a great Christmas.