Here is a Sun Cake that they sell around here during Moon Festival, which was last week. These cakes are sooooo good. They're flaky on the outside and sweet creamy on the inside. ooooohhh......

Here are Jimmy and I in the night market trying on ridiculously large sunglasses. oops, Jimmy's face got cut in half...
Here I am with my fake airbrushed tatoo of a butterfly. It's gone now. They only last a few days, but it's kind of fun while it lasts. My students were pretty impressed. "oooh teacher so beautiful" "ohhh teacher so cool". :)
Here I am at the museum of Natural Science, in a fake rainforest. Didn't take many pictures there..mostly we watched a documentary about sardines and played with some sciency things, and went to the fake rainforest.
My Bumblebee class on field trip day.
Some of my girls holding up a traditional spear Thing on our field trip.
Some of my boys holding up the same traditional spear Thing. The boys had more fun with this than the girls.
Left to right: Rowling, Minnie, Kyle, Bobby, Ernie, and Mason.
This chicken was made entirely out of old advertisements from newspapers. Talk about reusing....
This very large chair is made out of 66 smaller regular sized chairs. Pretty impressive. All my Bumblebees wanted to sit on it, but we weren't allowed. Bummer.
Wow...I've been slacking off in the blogging department, I see! It's been a while since my last blog post. Let's see if I can remember what has happened between then and now...
Well, my Bumblebees did go on a fun field trip to this place known in our school as the "Furniture Recycling Place". They renovate old furniture to sell again, and since we just finished a theme on recycling, reducing, and reusing in our classroom, it was an appropriate field trip. I've posted the pictures above. There were also a lot of displays of things they made there out of old "stuff". It was pretty cool.
My Bumblebees are doing quite nicely in our class, although we are now having some behaviour problems like students who do not like to listen while I am giving lessons and things of that nature. We're working on it.
The weather here is getting colder! I knew it would, but it's still very sad to me to feel it happening. Okay, not really "cold" by Alaskan standards I know, but still, when it's chilly and you have to ride a scooter it's a little uncomfortable. Hot days, cool nights. I'm told it will get worse soon. :(
Hm...what new things have I got to blog out that I saw over the past two or so weeks....well, I've experience my very first culture frustration. My scooter has been having many problems with not starting and although I have finally figured out how to kick start it on my own, it still takes longer and a lot more effort than just starting the way it is supposed to. It makes me upset. So we've taken it to the scooter shop twice now and both times they keep it for a few days and then tell me there's nothing wrong. And then it still won't start. So I'm frustrated because obviously, there is something wrong. So my roomate Stephanie tells me that when the scooter shop tells me there's nothing wrong with my scooter, what they really mean is "we know there's a problem but we can't find what it is" and to "save face" (saving face is a really big concept in the Taiwanese culture), they just tell me there's no problem at all. And they don't really check everything that might be wrong. They pick one thing that might be causing the problem, check that, and if that's ok they say there's nothing wrong. AGH! So sometimes you have to go back and back and back again to finally have them figure it out. So frustrating. So I'm just kick starting it every day until I find a new scooter shop hopefully who wants to check everything.
I've started a Growth class at Banner church, every Saturday afternoon. It's a follow up to the E1 retreat I went to a month or so ago (I think I blogged about that). Studying deeper into the Word, and how to grow in your Christian life. So I'm excited about that. It's a lot of take home work though. But that's okay.
I'm slowly but surely learning Chinese. It's a really tough language. *sigh* someday...
Okay, I think I'm fading. I will try to be more diligent about posting on my blog, but I'm getting busier and busier...(no surpise!)..
Thanks so much for all your prayers! :) Zai jian!